特定非営利活動法人 文際交流協会 (BIEE)
トップページ 私立高校留学高校留学・体験談高校留学Q&ABIEEについて
特定非営利活動法人 文際交流協会 (BIEE)


TOPページ > 高校留学・体験談(日記) > Momoちゃんのアメリカ高校留学・体験談7ヶ月目 (交換留学・団体)



   Hello! How are you doing? I'm good! It's already 7 months since I came over here. Time passes so quickly. I’ve had great time in here, moving, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day.... Those were big events for me. Even now I still have some events. We are going to the wedding party. I have my 18's birthday! My host sister will be 17-years-old, too. I'm so excited^^!
TX hasn’t got snow for 10 years. But this year it got a lot of snow. We got no HS because of snow one day. I played with my host sister and mom. My host Dad said "I don't want to play. Outside is too cold!" We laughed. Later, we brought back the snowball into the house and threw it to Dad! He was laughing!!!!! It was awesome! But I got sick because of it.... and I gave the sickness to my sister. But we had a good day!
In the HS every teacher is so great! I'm glad I’m going to this HS. I love Avery High School very much. When I went to HS first time, everyone was like “why can't you speak in English?” When I asked again, they said "Never mind." every time. I didn't like it. So I did my best. I tried listening carefully. Now I can understand almost everything. I don't know how much I changed. But I think it is a lot! I think at least my English has changed! My friends are often saying my speaking in English is getting much better than when I came here. I'm so happy. I don't notice it myself. When I came over here, I couldn't feel fun doing anything. I couldn't understand as clearly as I do now. When I couldn't understand, I couldn't answer so much. It made me feel bad. But I feel fun today.
My host sister and I are in good relations today. We didn’t talk so much. When we talk together, my host parents always ask us what we are talking about or something. It makes us nervous. But when there are only us in the house, we often talk about each culture. I love that time. She is getting nice now, so I’m glad I can trust her. I love her so much.
Thank you for every helping. I couldn't have come here without BIEE and my parents! My goal till I leave here is to laugh. I don't want to cry anymore. Actually I didn’t cry so much. But I want to laugh and I want everyone to be happy. And I will find things I want to do in the future. I'm not sure yet. I want to help people somehow. I'm so excited about my future! I’ll keep doing my best for the rest of the time.

Thank you for reading.

英語で書いてみました。やっぱりここに来て学んだから使うべきかなって!笑 けどやっぱり表現しきれないところもでてくるなって..けどこれからここで生活して、それから日本帰ってからも英語を学び続けて、いつかもっと簡単にもっとしっかりした文が作れるようになりたいなって思います。 想像してたほどのホームシックには全然ならないけど、アメリカの人たちがすごく家族を大切にしてるのを見てると、やっぱり家族は良いなって思います。これまで日本にいて普通に思ってた家族の存在を改めて感じたり、どれだけ親に任せっきりだったのか気づかされました。(笑) ここでの時間は限られたものだから、確かに家族や日本の友達が寂しい時もあるけど、落ち込むことなく自分なりに楽しみきろうと過ごしてます! 初めて「留学をしたい!」って思った時は、「英語がもっと話せるようになる!」っていうのがやっぱり1番の理由でした。でも今ここで過ごしてきて、英語というか全てが英語だから、自分の性格・考え方..もっと日本で変わろうと思ってもなかなか難しい事が変わった気がします。 新たな自分に出会った時、世界がもっと明るく見えるというか、なんか新鮮で同じ景色でも気分が違くて..んー..説明するのは日本語不足のせいもあって難しいけど、でも留学はすごく人生で+(プラス)どころじゃなくて×(掛け算)で、後悔するものは1つもないなって思います。自分が想像してた留学とははるかに違ったかな..これは私の場合かもしれないけど、想像なんかできるものじゃなくて、体験してみないとわからないものだなって思いました!留学してみたいって考えてる人がいたら、絶対するべきだなって思います。



← Momoちゃんのアメリカ高校・留学・体験談・一覧へ戻る

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