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特定非営利活動法人 文際交流協会 (BIEE)


TOPページ > 「7」のつく日のBIEE通信 > オセアニア高校生交換留学プログラム終了…【2018年12月07日号】






Time flies….I can’t believe I have been here for 8 months, and I have just about 2 months left.
Looking back on these days, there were a lot of bad and sad things. I don’t know how many times I cried in my room or bus! LoL But I am pretty sure it makes me stronger. My beautiful host family, friends helped me with anything, anytime. I’ve learned a lot of thigs from them. It’s not just English. It’s hard to put into words…but coming here is my best decision of my life ever. A lot of people told me that it was going to be the best part of the year, and they were more than right!!
I am thinking about what I can do for my host family, friends etc. in rest of my time. They are always helping me but I don’t do anything for them. I have to improve myself more and more. That’s my goal in the last two months. There is something more that I can do for them!

I can’t believe that I have 58 days left to go back to Japan. Time goes by so fast. Actually I don’t feel like going back to Japan yet because there are still a lot of things that I want to do in New Zealand. That makes me realize that each day of my life while studying in New Zealand is precious time for me.
Nowadays, I remembered that friends of mine and I did sleep over at my house before the day that we went to Rotorua for educational field trip. I have got an invitation of the birthday party from a friend of mine for the first time since I came here. I am really glad about how many reliable friends I‘ve got more than I expected before.
There are students from all over the world living in New Zealand of my school. That’s why I can feel like how humongous the world is, and they made me realize that my ambition was to get involved with people all over the world.
I would like to keep studying and keep speaking English to make my dreams come true even after going back to Japan.

Thank you for the Love Letter! I was not confident yet that my English skills have been improved since I came to Australia, but the Love Letter encouraged me and gave me confidence, thank you so much. I am not satisfied with my English ability, and I would like to improve my English skills more and more in the last two months. Also, I would like to learn Aussie slangs as well. I would like to hang out with my friends, and to try everything. Then, I want to go back to Japan with my great memories.
Now, I am feeling a little bit sad because I don’t want to leave my great host family, my friends, etc., but everything that has a beginning must also have an end. I must do all I can lest I should regret later.

I cannot believe that I have only 2 months until leaving New Zealand. While this 8 months, I have got a lot of new experiences, for example, sport day, trip, school ball, etc. I could have a really good exchange days with my host family and friends.
Now Spring has come to New Zealand. I can see many many lovely cherry blossoms everywhere. They make me remind of Japan.
I want to go back to Japan, but I don’t want to leave New Zealand, too. I want to keep enjoying the rest of my exchange! See you 2 months later.

I feel like “time flies like an arrow.” I can’t believe that I have already spent about 8 months and I have to go back to Japan only 2 months later. I’m nervous to go back because I think everyone expects me so much. I did my best but I’m still a little bet worried that I can’t meet their expectations, but I will try.
There has been a lot of fun experience s and some painful ones in this experience. Sometimes, I have thought “Why did I come here? If I had not come here, my life would have been at ease very much” because it has been quite hard for me to live in a foreign country. Now I think it has been a good opportunity to grow myself and to realize how much I relied on people around me.
Everything is a great experience for me. I have learned a lot. Through this exchange experience, I have met a lot of people. I have a new family in Australia and I have made many friends. I have only 2 months left to go back to Japan, so I want to make the last 2 months be as wonderful as I can. I will do my best.


「〇〇さん、ペット キンギョ 2ひきいる。 ちょう いいひとたち! ちょう やさしい! ちょう たのしかった!」
そして「ペットは ぼくが とった! だから また ぼくも 〇〇さんと ぼくの キンギョに あいたい」と話したそうです。状況が今一呑み込めず、コーディネーターに直接話を聞いてみたところ、D君が滞在中、ご夫妻の仕事の合間をぬって地元のお祭りに連れて行き、彼が一度も経験したことがないという金魚すくいをやらせてくださったことがわかりました。そこでD君は2匹の金魚をゲット!それまでおとなしかったD君がコーディネーターご夫妻と一緒に大興奮で喜んだそうです。金魚はホストファミリー宅には持っていけないので、コーディネーター宅で預かることになりました。
そして「わたしたちが ちゃんと おせわしておくね!たいせつに あずかるからね!」「ありがとう」という会話から4ヶ月が経過しました…たった2週間の滞在期間中に、初めて経験させてもらった金魚すくい、そして、自分のすくった金魚のことをその家族のペットだと後輩に紹介し、家族と金魚にまた会いに行きたいと語る留学生。D君とコーディネーターご夫妻のこのエピソードを知り何故か感動してしまいました。D君が失いかけていた自信を取り戻すことのできたのは、たくさんの優しさとの触れ合いの中で起こった小さな出来事のお蔭だったのでしょう。都会から離れた静かな町での緊張しない生活と、英語は話せないけれど、温かい笑顔でお世話してくれたベテラン・コーディネーターご夫婦との交流、そして自分が変われた瞬間のシンボルになった小さな金魚2匹の存在は思い出としてずっと残るのだろうな、そして私たちも彼の人生にちょっぴりスパイスを加えるお手伝いができたかなと思いました。

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